Newborn Baby care Tips

Handling a Newborn

If you haven't spent a lot of time around newborns, their fragility may be intimidating. Here are a few basics to remember:
  • Wash your hands (or use a hand sanitizer) before handling your newborn. Young babies have not built up a strong immune system yet, so they are susceptible to infection. Make sure that everyone who handles your baby also has clean hands.
  • Be careful to support your baby's head and neck. Cradle the head when carrying your baby and support the head when carrying the baby upright or when you lay him or her down.
  • Be careful not to shake your newborn, whether in play or in frustration. Shaking that is vigorous can cause bleeding in the brain and even death. If you need to wake your infant, don't do it by shaking — instead, tickle your baby's feet or blow gently on a cheek.
  • Make sure your baby is securely fastened into the carrier, stroller, or car seat. Limit any activity that would be too rough or bouncy.
  • Remember that your newborn is not ready for rough play, such as being jiggled on the knee or thrown in the air.

When I was four-months pregnant, my husband accepted a new job on the other side of the country. I was terrified of leaving my family and friends and proceeded to buy every highly recommended baby book I could find. I pored over these books, highlighter in hand, hoping to find all the answers to pregnancy, parenting and baby care. After birth, my newborn immediately became the guinea pig for the countless techniques I had learned. But once my daughter was squirming and wailing in my arms at 4 AM, I realized some of the methods I read were more effective than others. The following are practical, time-tested methods that often work for real-world parents, such as swaddling, establishing sleep routines and using pacifiers. Think of this article as the Cliffs Notes to baby care.

Try swaddling your baby for better sleep.
Swaddling is comforting to many newborns because it reminds them of being inside the womb. “Swaddling is a helpful tool, but it is not universal,” explains Dr. Gregory Germain, MD, a pediatrician at Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital in Connecticut. “Some babies are truly comforted by a tight swaddle, and some babies are irritated by a tight swaddle and do better with their hands free,” he explains.

If you decide to swaddle your baby, be sure he isn’t getting overheated. “At night, over-bundling has been questionably linked to SIDS (via overheating),” says Dr. Karen Sadler, MD, a pediatrician in Boston, Massachusetts. “In general, infants should be clothed in whatever adults need to be comfortable, plus one thin layer.” If your baby feels sweaty or hot in his blanket, try dressing him in nothing but a diaper before swaddling him. If he still feels hot, stop swaddling altogether.

Spoil away!
During the first few months of your child's life, there's no such thing as giving too much tender love and care. “Babies need to know that you are there when they are distressed,” says Dr. Germain. “Going to a crying young infant and comforting them is never a bad thing.” While it’s important to let your baby know you're there for her, it is OK to occasionally let her cry for a minute or two. “If your baby is crying and you're in the middle of a load of wash, there is no harm in letting your baby cry for a while as you’re finishing your other life duties,” Dr. Germain assures.

Develop a consistent bedtime routine.
Setting a consistent nighttime routine—such as a warm bath and bedtime story—can be a helpful sleep trigger for your baby. It may not work right away, but after a couple of weeks your child will likely fall asleep easier and stay asleep longer. According to Dr. Robert Jacobson, MD, chairman and professor of pediatrics with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, this bedtime routine should include creating a peaceful setting in the home. “As twilight comes and the house gets quieter, probably the most important thing in this modern age is to turn the TV off an hour before the baby is going to fall asleep,” he says, explaining that the TV tends to charge the air and keep babies awake.

Let the swing be your friend!
Some people worry that they’ll spoil their baby with a swing, but all bets are off for the first few months of life. If your baby refuses to nap in his crib during the day, but easily falls asleep in his swing, by all means let him swing to his little heart's content! Keep in mind, you should never leave your baby unattended or let him sleep in the swing through the night. “The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) warns that some infants might curl over in a seat and obstruct breathing,” explains Dr. Sadler. “In practice, I think if parents are awake and watching, and the child isn't small or premature, the swing is OK,” says Dr. Saddler, adding that swings are a good way to get colicky babies to sleep.

Do's and Dont's

These parenting tips on new born care will tell you what is right for your baby and what is not. Here are a few do's and donts which you have to follow to make sure that you bring up a healthy baby. 

Being a parent should be taken up as a challenge for you as you have to face a lot of ups and downs in this phase of life and these do's and donts for baby care will be eventually very helpful.

A) Do's
1.It is essential to make your new baby sleep on their back so that you can avoid the risk of SIDS ( Sudden Infant death Syndrome ) which is common in many babies due to the parents negligence.

2.Talking to your baby will help enable them to respond to you, It is said that for newborn care, parents need to babble back whatever the child says so that they know you are listening to them.

3.For a new baby, the parent has to build upon an environment which can involve the child in different activities like that of social interactions where the new baby can touch and listen to different things surrounding him/her.

4.For newborn care, it is essential for the mother and father to pay close attention to the baby's need. Even though the child cannot talk at such an early age, it can make out with the body movements of his parents.

5.For many parents, this parenting tip is important. For newborn care, the child needs to be handled carefully by placing your hand under the neck of the child so that there is no injury caused to the child's head.

6.Every new parent should check the food first before you begin to feed the child. Place a few drops of milk on the palm of your hand to check if it is hot. Also keep in mind that when you change the nipple for the feeding bottle it is sterilized.

These are a few do's essential for infant care. Now the top most important aspect is the dont's which is good for parents to keep in mind when it comes to parenting tips.

B ) Dont's

1.Some parents have this habit of shaking their baby to and fro to stop them from crying. However, this is not good as it causes Shaken Baby Syndrome.

2.For a new baby, do not expect it to sleep the whole night through. For a few months the child will have broken sleep so gently put the baby down to sleep by feeding him or her.

3.Keep in mind that for newborn care, stuffed animals are not to be kept in the crib as it collects dust which can cause an allergy and also another dangerous aspect is that some stuffed toys have hair fall which causes the child to choke.

4.Do not feed your new baby with canned vegetables as it contains a high amount of sodium which is not good for infant care. Frozen and fresh vegetables and fruits are important in your child's diet.

5.A parenting tip to keep in mind when it comes to feeding your baby solids. Before your baby goes to sleep do not give him/her any sweet items as it can cause your baby's tooth to decay fast. Also keep in mind not to give the child any honey content before the age of one year.

6.One thing to keep in mind for parents on newborn care is not over feed the baby as it can cause indigestion.

These are some of the do's and dont's every new parent should keep in mind about infant care and parenting tips

Tips to take care of newborn baby skin

  • Use of Baby products - Some baby products are a reason for the development of bacterial infections in babies. Parents should make sure that they keep their child away from harmful chemicals like hard soaps, lotions and anything that contains dyes and fragrances. These chemicals decrease the good bacteria, leading to skin dryness, allergies and other infections.
  • Selection of oils and lotions - An oil massage is very relieving and effective for newborn babies, but parents usually make mistakes in choosing the right baby oil. Herbal healing oils and lotions should be preferred over mineral oils, which can harm your baby’s skin. And for baby skin, chamomile, olive oil, almond oil and aloe oils are best suited.
  • Baby bath - For a newborn, a daily bath is not required. Too much soap and water can cause skin irritations and allergies, so it is advisable to only sponge bath your baby with lukewarm water twice or thrice a day. Always dry up the skin with a soft cloth to clean up any residue. In case of dryness, a baby moisturizer (preferably herbal) can be applied to maintain the natural moisture balance of the skin.
  • Baby Bedding and Clothing - Regular bedding and clothing change is a must as this would not allow dust to get in contact with your baby. Do not dress your baby in tight clothes. Loose fitting clothes prevent sweating and skin rashes, so beware of choosing the right things for your baby.
  • Early peeling of skin - It’s a very important thing to note that newborn babies normally shed a protective layer of skin during their first few days. . It is therefore advisable not to rub or peel this layer of skin.

These are a few things which should be kept in mind by a mother or caregiver. The everyday care of your baby’s skin will keep them at ease and clean. Yourbaby will feel happy and relaxed, so find out for yourself what is best suited for your baby’s skincare.

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